
• tudományosan vizsgál: observe, study
• analizál: analyze, dissect
• megnéz: take a look at something
• állítást: verify
• tesztel: check, test, put to test
The doctor carefully examined the patient. = Az orvos gondosan megvizsgálta a beteget.

vizsgál jelentese magyarul

vizsgál angolul

vizsgál jelentése kifejezésekben

• appraising, examination room, examining room, inquisitor, scanner, searcher, verifier
• assay, audit, disquisition, enquiry, examination, inquest, inquiry, inspection, investigation, monitoring, quest, review, search, survey, test, trial
• assay
• dissection
• inquisitorial
• scan
• testing
• question under investigation
• to analyse, to analyze, to assay, to audit, to bolt, to examine, to explore, to inspect, to investigate, to look at, to look into, to probe, to scan, to search, to see into, to sift, to test, to try, to vet
• boarding, check, revision
• clearance, customs examination
• check, review, verification
• endurance test
• audit
• routine medical examination
• inquest
• have a look at sg, to check on sg, to sit on, to sit upon
• inquisition, probe
• case study, single test
• fatigue test
• medical examination