
Don't go back. = Ne menj vissza!
• back

vissza jelentése kifejezésekben

• irreversible
• to stay out
• to give sy short change
• he shrinks from nothing
• to stick at nothing
• put it back where you found it
• to requite with ingratitude
• to return empty-handed
• as near as I can remember
• to recall sg with fond emotion
• he vowed he would never return
• again, home, retro-
• to repel
• to disgorge, to give back, to hand back, to reproduce, to restore, to return
• to abuse, to desecrate, to put upon, to trespass
• to get back
• home journey
• to counter, to kick back, to recoil, to revert, to throw back
• to baulk, to shrink, shrank, shrunk
• to jerk back, to pull up
• to back down, to back-pedal, to beat a retreat, to climb down, to crawfish, to eat crow, to pipe down, to renege, to renegue