
• wear, have on
Kate is wearing a red dress. = Kate egy vörös ruhát visel.

visel jelentese magyarul

visel angolul

visel jelentése kifejezésekben

• have sg on
• to lace
• to wage war on, to war
• to go by a false name
• to be tooled up, to bear arms
• to sport
• to endure
• to bear arms against sy, to go to war against sy, to make war on sy, to wage war against, to wage war against sy, to wage war on, to wage war on sy
• to wage war against, to wage war against sg, to wage war on, to wage war on sg
• to get up a subscription
• to be down at heels
• to be solicitous about sg
• to take the bad with the good
• to bear an honoured name
• holder, wearer
• childing, to be bearing a child
• costume, garb, rig, turnout, wear
• bearing
• to behave oneself
• to bear one's cross
• to incur expenses