
• bribe, graft
They have bribed the police. = Megvesztegették a rendőröket.

veszteget jelentése kifejezésekben

• to make few words of it
• briber, suborner
• bribery, corruption, graft
• bribe, gravy
• to loiter away one's time
• bribery and corruption
• to finger a bribe
• to barter away, to lose, lost, to slather, to waste
• to bribe, to corrupt, to grease, to square, to suborn, to tamper with sg
• waste
• corruptive, suborner
• bribe, corruption, dash, subornation
• waged
• dwell
• accommodating, corruptive, venal
• to tamper with sy
• incorruptible, unbribable
• to barter away
• corruptness, venality
• to dawdle away the time
• proof against corruption