
• valamire: denote something, suggest, drive at
• pénzt: remit, allocate
• magára van utalva: be left to his own devices
• ez arra a tényre utal: this refers to the fact
• kórházba utal: send somebody to hospital
• valakire van utalva: be dependent on somebody
What are you driving at? = Ezzel mit akarsz mondani?



utal jelentése kifejezésekben

• to relegate to
• to allude to sg
• to make reference to a book
• to refer sy to sy
• to be indicative of sg
• to relegate to
• to refer to a fact
• to remit
• to commit a bill
• allusive, suggestive
• allusion, commitment, hint, indication, reference
• order, voucher
• cross-reference
• topical allusion
• I refer to the passage quoted
• to appropriate, to assign, to remit, to transfer
• commission, dividend, divident, due, kickback, premium, premia
• transfer
• brutality, inhumanity, savageness
• attendance prize, prize money, sum granted as a recompense
• bounty, gratuity