
My disgust was withering him. = Undorom lelankasztotta.

undor jelentese magyarul

undor angolul

undor jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be filled with loathing
• it makes my gorge rise, my gorge rises at it
• to gross out, to put off
• abominable, disgusting, distasteful, foul, groaty, grotty, hideous, icky, loathsome, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, pooping, queasy, rank, repellent, repulsive, revolting, shocking, sickening, smarmy, ugly
• to abominate, to be grossed out, to gag, to heave, to heave, hove, to loathe, to nauseate, to sicken
• disgustedly, queasily
• distaste, horror, loathing, nausea
• abominably, disgustingly, repulsively, revoltingly
• to cloy the appetite, to disgust, to sicken
• my gorge rises at it
• abhorrent
• to barf sy out
• barf city
• it makes my gorge rise
• barf-out
• repulsive-looking
• barf-out
• to be disgusted at
• queasiness
• nauseate
• to barf sy out