• block, chump, pat, slug
• aggregation, body, bulk, concourse, crowd, crush, drove, gross, gross, heap, host, many, mass, mob, multitude, pack, press, quantity, quantum, regiment, swad, swarm, throng, turnout, volume
• fire hose, hose, hose-pipe, manifold, sac
• to caulk, to consolidate, to dub, to pack, to plug, to plug up, to proof, to stanch, to staunch, to wad
• brief, close, compact, compendious, concise, consistent, pointed, ponderous, quintessential, short, solid, succinct, terse, tight
• blinding, casing, caulk, gasket, packing, pad, plugging, plumbing, seal, sealing, stopper, stuffing
• to gorge, to gorge oneself, to stodge, to stuff oneself