
• nem piszkosan: cleanly, neatly, nicely
• tisztára: nothing but, entirely, quite, absolutely
• nem keverve: pure, purely, straight
• clear, clearly, net
• tisztán érdek: nothing but interest
• tisztán él: live purely, live chastely
• tisztán beszél: speak clearly, speak distinctly
I see that clearly. = Tisztán látom.

tisztán jelentése kifejezésekben

• to appreciate
• clear, clear-sighted, enlightened, perspicacious, shrewd
• to net
• to net
• to talk up
• to net
• to sing true
• conspicuous, plain
• groomed
• clear-sighted
• clear hawse, open hawse
• purely family affair
• to drink wine neat, to take wine neat
• platonics
• clear hawse, open hawse
• to net a thousand a year
• foul hawse
• foul hawse
• clairvoyant
• clairvoyance, discernment
• grooming