
• a világ teteje: the roof of the world
• nincs teteje a dolognak: there is no sense in it, it is not worth the trouble
• a létra tetején: at the top of the ladder
• tetejétől az aljáig: from top to bottom, summit, peak
• a hegy tetején: at the top of the hill
• valaminek a tetején van: be on top of something, be on the top of something
• minden a feje tetején állt: everything was in confusion, everything was in a tiswas
The top of it was rounded. = A teteje gömbölyített volt.

teteje jelentése kifejezésekben

• capper, crest, tiptop
• drum-head
• crest
• booby-hatch
• it's the it of its, that's the giddy limit
• that is the latest!
• that puts the tin hat on it
• booby-hatch
• to top
• that beats everything!, that puts the lid on it!