
• feladatot, parancsot: complete, perform, accomplish, carry out
• színházi darabot: represent, act, play, produce
• pl. ígéretet vagy eskü: fulfil
• fogadalmat: make good a promise, keep a vow
• nem teljesít valamit: fail in something
Your oath is fulfilled. = Eskütöket teljesítettétek.

teljesít jelentese magyarul

teljesít angolul

teljesít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to keep, kept
• to default
• to grant a request
• to rush
• to default
• to complete a task
• to effect an order
• to execute an order, to fill an order
• to grant a request
• to go on a message
• to rush
• to run messages
• to keep watch
• to underachieve
• to be in attendance upon sy
• to see service
• to follow the sea
• to be on trench duty, to mount the trenches
• to be in attendance on a king, to be in attendance upon a king
• accomplishment, achievement, acquitment, acquittal, acquitting, compliance, consummation, discharge, execution, fulfillment, fulfilment, implementation, performance
• achievable