
• valahova: belong to
• témába vág: appertain to
• pénzzel, szívességgel: owe somebody something
She belongs to another community. = Ő egy másik közösséghez tartozik.

tartozik jelentese magyarul

tartozik angolul

tartozik jelentése kifejezésekben

• to pertain
• to belong to sg
• debit and credit
• to fall under
• to rate
• to behoove, to behove
• to belong together, to go together
• that's your pigeon
• that's my pidgin, this is my department
• it behoves him to
• that's not in my line
• it's off my beat altogether
• to be quits with sy
• to be one of the family
• to come under
• that is a horse of another colour
• that's neither here nor there
• beside the mark, beside the point, beside the question
• to be in hock to sy
• to rank among the best
• to be indebted to a large sum