
Jane teaches English at school. = Jane angolt tanít az iskolában.

tanít jelentese magyarul

tanít angolul

tanít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to put sy in his place, to teach sy a lesson
• to moralize
• to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic
• to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic
• didactic, instructive, instructor, master, preceptor
• education, indoctrination, instruction, learning, message, school, tuition
• instructress, school-marm, schoolmistress
• disciple, follower
• didactics
• trained horse
• school-marm
• school-day
• class, lesson, period
• didacticism
• to teach school
• didacticism
• schoolmarmishly
• little body of disciples
• to indoctrinate, to nuzzle, to prime
• to prime
• coaching, indoctrination