tűr jelentése kifejezésekben

• to draw the line at sg
• to endure
• to squirm
• it brooks no delay
• it allows of no exception
• endurer, suffering
• allowance, endurance, margin, tolerance
• bearable, decent, passable, respectable
• meanly, moderately
• admissible wear
• abominable, insupportable, intolerable, past endurance, unbearable
• admissible wear
• unbearably
• have, had, to abide, to abide, abode, to admit of, to bear, bore, born, to bear, bore, borne, to brook, to countenance, to endure, to have, had, to pocket, to support, to sustain, to take, took, taken
• to untuck
• to tuck in
• endurer
• to roll up, to tuck up, to turn up
• endurance, toleration
• upturned
• abc