térít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to bring to heels
• to bring round, to bring to, to rally, to revive
• to disorient, to disorientate
• to get sy round
• to bring sy to one's senses
• to mohammedanize
• proselytist, proselytizer, tropic
• allowance, proselytization
• proselytism, proselytization
• proselytism, proselytization
• to angle, to avert, to bias, to call off, to deflect, to distract, to divert, to head off, to seduce, to side-track, to sidetrack, to turn from
• to convert, to evangelize, to pay, to recompense, to refund, to reimburse
• tropic of Capricorn
• diversion, diverting
• missionary
• tropic of cancer
• compensation, indemnification, indemnity, offset, recompense, relief
• conversion, reimbursement, remuneration
• hijacker
• to refund, to reimburse
• deflector