
• cipőt: stretch
• nyílást: dilate, expand
• ruhát kienged: let out
• valamit, ami feszül: slacken, loose, ease
Science has enlarged our frontiers. = A tudomány kitágította a határokat.

tágít jelentese magyarul

tágít angolul

tágít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to hold one's ground, to keep one's ground, to persist, to persist in, to sit tight, to stand one's ground, to stand pat
• to lead
• stretcher
• expansion
• expansive force
• stretcher
• to dilate, to enlarge, to flare out, to scrape out, to stretch, to widen
• vasodilator
• dilatation, dilation, enlarging
• bur, burr
• drift hammer
• flare
• spreader
• spreader