
• személyes szokás: habit, fashion
• nemzetre, társadalmi, etnikai csoportra jellemző : custom, tradition
• gyakorlat: practice, usage, use
It is my habit to wake up at six o'clock. = Szokásom, hogy hatkor kelek.
Every nation has its own custom. = Minden nemzetnek megvannak a saját szokásai.

szokás jelentese magyarul

szokás angolul

szokás jelentése kifejezésekben

• as usual, commonly
• innovation
• modernism
• localism
• custom sanctified by time
• orientalism
• modernism
• slough
• as the phrase goes
• the common or garden way of setting about it
• it's a habit with me
• accustomed, customary, habitual, ordinary, regular, routine, ruling, run, usual, wonted
• common law, unwritten law
• conventional
• customarily, habitually
• stock size
• as was his custom
• to get into the habit of sg
• conventional measures
• out of the ordinary
• conventional measures