
But that's all the more reason for severity.De annál több ok van a szigorúságra.

szigor jelentese magyarul

szigor angolul

szigor jelentése kifejezésekben

• austere, censorious, dour, exacting, hard, hard and fast, harsh, inclement, iron-clad, religious, rigid, severe, sharp, smart, stern, strait, strict, stringent
• great go
• austerely, dourly, narrowly, rigidly, severely, sternly, strictly
• aggravation
• hard master
• austerity, hardness, harshness, rigidity, rigidness, rigor, rigour, severity, stringency
• hard winter
• hard fate
• hard master
• crucial test
• hard master
• close prisoner
• hard master
• stricture
• smart punishment
• to look grave
• to bolt
• to be in leading-strings
• poser
• top secret
• austere