
After my aunt, it is never too late to learn to cook. = A nagynéném szerint sohasem késő megtanulni főzni.

szerint jelentése kifejezésekben

• by right, by rights
• according to sg, in accordance with sg, in conformity with sg, in pursuance of sg, pursuant to sg
• according to all indications
• to one's heart's content, to the heart's content
• for the time being, just now
• as usual, commonly
• personally
• as was his custom
• to my taste
• in my estimate
• to act on, to act upon
• as far as I know, to my knowledge
• as per advice
• reportedly
• in my esteem, in my estimate, in my eye, in my opinion, to my mind, to my thinking
• the chances are that
• in my judgement, in my opinion, in my view
• according to the news received hitherto, according to the news received so far, according to the news received up to date
• to all appearances
• selective loading
• by one's own account