A szabályok a címszó ragozott alakja.


• rule
• megegyezés: convention, statute
• jogi szabály: rule of law
• matematikai, tudományos: formula
The rule is that you can't eat in class. = Az a szabály, hogy órán nem ehetsz.

szabályok jelentése kifejezésekben

• to play the game
• to play a square game, to play the game
• to play a square game
• traffic regulations
• formulation
• to bring under regulation
• against the regulations, contrary to the regulations
• standing orders
• customs regulations
• regulations
• common courtesy, common decencies, decorum, proprieties
• safety regulations
• breach of decorum
• standing orders
• unconventional
• unconventional
• unconventional
• to lay down general rules
• to lay down general rules