
My wife has always incited tension in the family. = A feleségem mindig feszültséget szított a családban.

szít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to get up
• to fan up the fire
• to blow the coal, to blow the fire, to set the heather on fire
• to set the heather on fire
• to fan a quarrel
• to agitate
• fomentation
• to blow the coals, to fan the coals, to fire up
• to blow the coals
• to blow the coals, to fan the coals
• to fan the flames
• to interlock
• to bump, to hustle, to jar, to jog, to push
• concoction, make, product
• finished
• twisted effect yarn
• spreader
• platter
• bursting
• exciting, to hit the high lights, to hit the high spots
• stretcher