
• senki számára nem vagyok itthon: I am not in home for anybody, I am not at home for anybody
• számomra: for me
• könyv az ifjúság számára: book for young people, juvenile book
It's impossible for him. = Számára ez nem lehetséges.

számára jelentése kifejezésekben

• clog upon sy
• to be a charge on sy
• to be of service to sy
• favourable to sy
• it comes natural to him
• to be a charge on sy
• dead to the world
• to be hard hit
• checkerboard
• within sy's reach
• it comes natural to him
• have the free run of the house
• within reach of everyone
• have sg in store for sy
• near at hand
• within sy's reach
• to settle into a rut, to sink into a rut
• not to be at home to anyone, to be not at home
• esoteric, esoterical
• to mean sg to sy
• dead to the world