
Finally, I managed to open the door. = Végül sikerült kinyitnom az ajtót.

sikerül jelentése kifejezésekben

• to carry sg off, to make the grade
• to come out
• to make it
• to succeed in doing sg
• to gain admittance into a place, to get admittance into a place
• to get sy's ear
• to get sy's ear
• to get speech with sy
• to get a door to shut
• to get a door to shut
• to scrape acquaintance with sy
• to get an article into a paper
• to come off well, to go off well
• to come short of sg, to come to naught, to come to ought, to fail, to fold, to get nowhere
• to fare ill, to go wrong, to miss
• the finesse wins
• hit or miss
• to turn up trumps
• to lose out on sg
• to cut it fine, to run it fine
• to cut it fine, to run it fine