• to bear sy a hand, to give a helping hand to sy, to give sy a hand, to lend sy a hand
• to be of assistance to sy, to bear sy a hand, to give a helping hand to sy, to give a knee to sy, to give sy a hand, to lend sy a hand
• it will stand him in good stead, it will stand him in great stead
• helper, second, succour, supporting
• to be of assistance to sy
• to give assistance to sy, to lend assistance to sy
• I shall help you as far as I can
• to abet, to advance, to aid, to assist, to co-operate, to facilitate, to faster, to favour, to foment, to forward, to foster, to further, to help, to nourish, to promote, to subserve
• assistant, auxiliary, hand, makeshift, mate, subsidiary
• to aid, to set up, to succour
• conducive, promotional, subservient