sáp jelentése kifejezésekben

• anaemic, chalky, dim, green, light, lurid, pale, pallid, pasty-faced, tallow-faced, to look green about the gills, wan, white
• to pale, to sickly
• palely, wanly
• to go white, to turn white
• paleness, pallor
• pale-face, paleface
• earthy complexion
• antenna, feeler, horn
• to become pale, to change colour, to go green, to go grey, to go white, to grow pale, to pale, to turn green, to turn grey, to turn pale, to turn white
• to pale
• as white as a ghost, as white as a sheet
• as pale as death, cadaverous, deadly pale, ghastly pale, pale as death
• as white as a ghost, as white as a sheet, lurid
• barb
• cadaverously
• lamellicorn
• you look as if you'd seen a ghost
• ashen face
• to go ashy pale
• as white as a ghost, as white as a sheet