
• fehérnemű: underwear
• hosszú ruha: long dress
• utcai ruha: business suit, walking dress
• szennyes ruha: dirty clothes, laundry
• ünneplő ruha: best clothes
Your dress is beautiful. = Gyönyörű a ruhád.
Jill clothes vanished. = Jill ruhája eltűnt.

ruha jelentese magyarul

ruha angolul

ruha jelentése kifejezésekben

• duffel
• drag, frock
• skimped coat
• civies, civvies
• white
• spare suit of clothes
• harlequin coat
• lounge suit, morning dress, outdoor clothes, undress
• duds, hand-me-down
• neat costume, neat dress
• black
• tight-fitting clothes
• change of clothes
• neat costume, neat dress
• evening dress, evening gown, full dress, glad rags
• harlequin coat
• mop
• spare suit of clothes
• rags
• neat costume, neat dress
• glad rags