

ront jelentése kifejezésekben

• to hurtle
• this detracts much from its beauty
• abuse, hex
• to detract from sy's reputation
• to cook sy's goose
• front, front line, front lines, van
• to flounce in, to invade, to rush into, to spring in
• to overtake, -took, -taken, to overtake, overtook, overtaken, to raid, to spring on, to spring upon
• to debauch, to deprave, to deteriorate, to hex, to pervert, to stain, to taint, to violate, to warp
• brat, spawn, tad
• infall
• boggle, corruption
• deterioration
• corruptive, debaucher
• popular front
• bloodshed, carnage
• corruption, depravation, impairment
• coal face
• head
• depraved
• dash