
• Alright, OK
• in order
When I got back to my workplace, I found everything in order. = Amikor visszatértem a munkahelyemre, mindent rendben találtam.

rendben jelentese magyarul

rendben angolul

rendben jelentése kifejezésekben

• nuff said, nuff sed, okay, to be in good trim, to be in order
• hunky-dory, ship-shape, straight
• all right!, all serene!, it's a go!, okay!, roger!, that's right!, that's the cheese!, very well!
• trim
• tidiness
• to be out of kilter
• all clear, all is well
• in apple-pie order
• like lamb and salad
• so far so good
• all is well
• in apple-pie order
• all right!
• so far so good
• in a fixed order
• as right as a trivet, to be in perfect trim
• all went amiss
• smart
• all right!, done!, just so!, right on!
• grooming
• in due course, sequentially