
• rob, plunder, rifle
• loot, pill, pillage
I was robbed yesterday. = Tegnap kiraboltak.

rabol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to snatch a kiss
• to break in pieces, to break in to pieces, to carve, to chop up, to comminute, to cut in pieces, to cut in to pieces, to cut up, to parcel up, to part
• to abduct, to kidnap, to rape, to ravish, to rob
• to burglarize, to despoil, to futz, to harry, to heist, to hold up, to loot, to mug, to phutz, to pill, to pirate, to pluck, to rifle, to rive, rived, riven, to rob, to sack
• to scuffle, to weed
• peeled
• to pirate
• parabola
• scuffle
• to chop up, to disjoint, to dismember, to flench, to flense, to log, to morsel, to scarf, to spade
• I have been robbed
• parabolic, parabolical
• to break up, to chop, to spal, to split up
• dismemberment, scarf
• scuffle
• Dutch hoe
• dissecting, dissection, spalling
• to fritter
• embryotomy
• to shanghai
• cherry plum