
• clod, lump, sod, soil
• arany: nugget
• vér: clot
• kis rög: nub
• honi rög: native soil
To poor miserable beaten-down sods everywhere. = Talpra állhatnak az elnyomott rögök.

rög jelentése kifejezésekben

• nub
• rugby, rugger
• anon, in no time, instanter, off hand, presently, pronto, right away, right now, right off, right on end, straight away, straight off, straight on end, straightaway
• to anchor, to clamp, to clog, to engrain, to fasten, to fix, to ingrain, to key, to lock, to make fast, to peg, to record, to secure, to seize, to tackle, to tie, to tighten
• anon
• craze, crotchet, kink, obsession
• ad-libber, extemporal, extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, extemporizer
• ad-lib, extemporization, gag, impromptu, improvisation
• stretcher
• gridiron
• extemporaneously, extemporarily, impromptu, off the cuffs
• I'll be here presently
• pawl
• drift
• extemporaneity
• shackle
• to stay
• crab bolt
• to make an extempore speech, to speak off the cuffs
• to extemporize
• hold-down nut