
• iskolai osztály: class
The class behaved very well on the trip. = Az osztály nagyon jól viselkedett a kiránduláson.

osztály jelentese magyarul

osztály angolul

osztály jelentése kifejezésekben

• first class
• legal department
• hospital ward
• department of investigation, investigation department
• casualty department, casualty ward
• remove
• ruling class
• plutocracy
• gentry
• acquisition department
• accounting department
• maternity ward
• class, order, rank, social class
• class
• ordnance department
• flying dutchman
• underclass
• standard
• single handed class
• to assort, to calendar, to categorise, to class, to classify, to distribute, to docket, to grade, to itemize, to label, to mark, to pigeonhole, to range, to rank, to refer, to staple
• to categorize