
• kisgyermeké: crying, scream, screaming, screeching
• szamáré: bray, braying
The shout came from the ridge. = Az ordítás a dombok közül jött.

ordítás jelentese magyarul

ordítás angolul

ordítás jelentése kifejezésekben

• rendering, rendition, trans, translation, turning
• turning, turning out, twist
• appropriation, expenditure, input
• turning over, turnover, upsetting
• near translation
• inversion, reversal, turn, turning, turning back
• outgoings
• rough translation
• bray
• loan translation
• reversal, turning back
• construe, construing, near translation
• loose translation
• to do a translation
• close translation
• training
• loose translation
• construe, construing, word for word translation
• literalism
• abuse