
Melléknévi igenév
• piac: dull, slack
• idő: muggy
• levegő: close
• lelkiállapot: depressed, downcast, dejected, dispirited
• hangulat: gloomy
• nyomott boltív: imperfect arch, squat arch, flat arch
• a piac nyomott: the market is sluggish
• nyomott időjárás: close weather, muggy weather
He was depressed. = Nyomott volt a hangulata.
• nyomott kedély: spleen
• nyomott kedélyállapotban van: be in low spirits, have the blues, be in the dumps

nyomott jelentése kifejezésekben

• faint atmosphere
• dump, dumps
• slack weather
• chintz
• have a fit of blues, have the mumps, to be in low spirits, to be in the blues
• he forced a tip into my hand
• he gave the girl a good smack on the lips
• he gave the girl a good smack on the lips
• bulged-in
• downtrodden, oppressed, repressed, ridden, underprivileged
• depressed
• pressed
• reduced
• roller-printed
• ridden
• underdog
• even a worm will turn