
• folyamodik valamihez: resort to, apply, employ, use
Don't you lay your hands on my book = Hozzá ne nyúlj a könyvemhez!
• hare, rabbit

nyúl jelentese magyarul

nyúl angolul

nyúl jelentése kifejezésekben

• to resort to
• to reach for sg
• to reach
• hare
• rabbit
• rabbit
• as timid as a hare, as timid as a rabbit
• to give sy a leg up, to help a lame dog over a stile
• to breed like rabbits
• to leave sg untouched
• to dive into one's pocket
• to be driven to extremes, to go to extremes
• to take sg with both hands
• to elongate, to give, gave, given, to lengthen, to range, to stretch
• elongation, stretch, yield
• clammy, glutinous, gummy, runny, soggy, sticky, stiff, stringy, viscid, viscous
• white meat
• jugged hare
• tensiometer
• sludge
• to rope