
• nagy mértékben: a great degree
She's an extraordinary girl. = Ö egy nagyon különleges lány.
Mr Thomas is a highly respected member of the Academia. = Mr Thomas az Akadémia egy nagyon tisztelt tagja.
I like you very much. = Nagyon kedvellek.

nagyon jelentese magyarul

nagyon angolul

nagyon jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be hyped
• not half!
• have a twist
• yellow as a guinea
• have one's nerves on edge, one's nerves are on edge
• as hard as nails, to be as hard as nails
• very just so
• none too soon
• much too small
• overmuch
• to get to look very slack
• to be hot
• to go far
• to go far
• to hog out
• to go at a crawl
• shocker
• he was in a fine old temper!
• I know it right well
• I dare say
• to go at a crawl