
• mi módon?: how?
• semmi módon: in no way
• ezen a módon: in this way, thus
• a szokott módon: in the usual way, in the usual manner
• a törvényben említett bármely módon: by the use of any of the methods referred to in the Act
• minden lehetséges módon: by all means

módon jelentése kifejezésekben

• in this wise, that rate, this rate
• selfishly
• ignominiously
• begrudgingly
• treasonably
• off the beam
• funny enough, queerly, strange to say
• eccentrically
• platonically
• bonelessly
• preposterously
• on the cross
• begrudgingly
• along the same lines with, in a similar manner, on the same lines with
• oddly, queerly
• paradoxically
• contrariously, contrariwise
• curiously, interestingly
• understandably
• onerously
• grotesquely