
The wedding guests are having great fun. = Az esküvői meghívottak nagyszerűen mulatnak.

mulat jelentese magyarul

mulat angolul

mulat jelentése kifejezésekben

• to make a game of sy
• to be amused at sg, to be amused by sg
• have a good time
• have a right royal time, have a royal time
• to make whoopee
• have a right royal time, have a royal time
• have a right royal time, have a royal time
• to enjoy oneself immensely
• mulatto, yellow, yellow man
• hall
• bend, buster, carousal, frolicking, high jinks, marry-making
• rollicking
• raffish, reveler, reveller, rollicker
• to dissipate, to racket, to racket about
• fling, gaieties, gaiety, high jinks, revel, revelry
• mulatress
• amusing, diverting
• comic, comical, entertaining, funny, humorous, rich, side-splitting
• amusement, diverting
• mulatto
• rakehell