
• említ: mention, give
• mondat valakivel valamit: make somebody say something
• mit mondjak?: what shall I say?
• valaminek mondja magát: pretend to be
What did you say? = Mit mondtál?

mond jelentese magyarul

mond angolul

mond jelentése kifejezésekben

• to deliver
• to foreshow, foreshowed, foreshown
• to give example
• to dictate
• to thunder
• to pant forth, to pant out
• to jink
• to breathe
• to pass judgement
• for all he may say
• to hiss
• to talk blue, to tell blue stories
• to preach
• to give a toast, to propose a toast
• to skip
• to mind one's p's and q's
• it does not register with me
• to hang fire
• to talk blue, to tell blue stories
• to pass a sentence upon sy
• to talk blue, to tell blue stories