
We couldn't go because of the weather. = Az időjárás miatt nem tudtunk menni.

miatt jelentése kifejezésekben

• for one's own sake, for the sake of sg
• to be indignant at sg, to feel indignant at sg
• to be miffed at sg
• to be alarmed at, to be alarmed at sg, to be exercised about sg, to trouble about sg, to worry about sg, to worry over sg
• to be prey to, to fall prey to
• to eat one's heart out
• to be horrified at sg
• to sniff at
• to be alarmed at, to be alarmed at sg
• to be piqued at sg, to take umbrage at sg
• to be indignant at sg, to feel indignant at sg
• absent through illness
• to eat one's heart out
• to be offended at sg, to take sg amiss
• to commiserate sg
• to be chagrined at sg
• to be shocked at sg, to be shocked by sg
• lovesick
• absent through illness
• to rave about sg
• to be shocked at sg