
• how far?
• how
• mennyire jutottál a munkáddal?: how far have you got with your work?
• Mennyire megváltozott!: How she has changed!
How far is it? = Mennyire van?
Mennyire meglepődött, amikor... = How surprised he was when...

mennyire jelentése kifejezésekben

• it'll do you no end of good
• as, insofar as
• as, however
• in some degree, to some degree
• in so far as, so far as
• to total up to
• to run to
• as near as
• ever so, much as
• rather!, sure enough!
• good as it is
• as much as
• for all I know
• as far as possible
• as far as possible
• as best I could
• much as I like him
• as much as, so much as
• for all me
• as far as possible
• for ought I know