
It was near the stairs. = A lépcső mellett volt.

mellett jelentese magyarul

mellett angolul

mellett jelentése kifejezésekben

• by the river
• neck and neck, nip and tuck
• to stand by a person's side
• sitting over the fire
• under the direction of
• to rush past sy
• to agitate for sg
• to hold by, to insist, to insist on sg, to insist that, to insist upon sg, to persevere, to persist in sg
• to take one's stand near sg
• to rush past sy
• to let by
• to be dwarfed by sg
• to rush past sy
• elbow to elbow
• to give sy one's good word
• to confess to a thing
• to push by
• to wake, to wake, woke, woken
• next to sg
• cheek by jowl, chock-a-block, chockablock, end to end
• pro