
• buy, save
• kárhozattól megvált: redeem
She bought her ticket to London. = Megváltotta a jegyét Londonba.

megvált jelentése kifejezésekben

• to book a seat
• redeemer, redeeming
• propitiation, redemption
• redeemable
• to alter, to break, broke, broken, to change, to shift, to vary
• alteration, altering
• to alter, to amend, to change, to reverse, to revise
• alteration, altering
• reversible
• immutable
• to tamper with sg
• immutability
• immovable, unalterable
• unalterably
• to veer round
• standing rule
• to compound for a tax
• to change one's cast
• he cannot change his skin
• break in the weather
• to revolutionize