
• határidőt: fix, grant, allow, allow so many days
• megszabja valaminek az árát: fix the price of something, name the price, quote the price
• árhatárt megszab: fix a limit
• megszabja magának a teendőket: map out a course of action
• megszabja valakinek a bérét: fix the rate for something
I will name the price for you. = Meg fogom szabni az árat számodra.

megszab jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be quit of, to dispose, to make a clear sweep of sg, to shake off, to throw off, to unload
• to deliver, to disentangle, to ease, to exonerate, to free, to liberate, to quit, to quit, quit, to rescue, to rid, to rid, rid, to weed out
• saver
• acquittance, getting off
• deliverance, liberation, rescue
• to see the back of sy, to see the last of sy
• have off one's hands, to be rid of sg, to deep-six, to get rid of sg, to get sg off one's hand, to jettison, to shuffle off
• to ease from sg, to ease of sg
• to be clear of sg
• riddance
• disposal
• to take sy off sy's hands
• to ease sy from sg, to ease sy of sg, to relieve sy of sg
• to ease sy of sy's purse
• to weed
• to weed
• to weed
• to unburden
• to unchain
• to unbias
• random lengths