
• megnyer valakit magának: captivate, capture, entrance, bewitch, enchant
The French triumphed at the championship. = A franciák megnyerték a bajnokságot.

megnyer jelentése kifejezésekben

• to carry over, to gain sy over
• to get on to sg
• to win over
• to enlist
• to take sy by storm
• to win a race with a nice balance in hand
• to win a race with a nice balance in hand
• to win a race with a nice balance in hand
• affable, appealing, captivating, endearing, engaging, ingratiating, pleasing, prepossessing, seductive, taking, winning, winsome
• winning
• affably, endearingly
• to saddle
• propitiable
• ingratiating manner
• to be a game
• to win sy's heart
• to woo
• to gain sy's ear
• propitiation
• propitiation
• match won by default