
• tell, say, quote

megmond jelentése kifejezésekben

• to foredoom, to foretell, foretold, to prognosticate
• to tell sy sg straight from the shoulder
• to make no bones about sg
• to tell sy sg straight from the shoulder
• to tell sy sg straight from the shoulder
• to tick off
• to put sy in his place, to send sy away with a flea in his ear, to tell sy where to get off
• to give sy a bit of one's mind, to give the edge of one's tongue to sy
• to tell sy where to get off
• to tell sy where to get off
• there you are!
• I told you so!
• not to put too fine an edge upon it
• not to put too fine an edge upon it
• that's telling!
• I'm telling you so for the umpteenth time
• there is no telling
• I don't mind telling you
• there's no harm in saying so
• I told him plump
• to be round with sy