
Consider your options. = Fontold meg a lehetőségeidet!

megfontol jelentese magyarul

megfontol angolul

megfontol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to turn a question over in one's mind, to turn an idea over in one's mind
• to premeditate
• to reconsider
• to reconsider
• advised, chary, deliberate, discreet, earnest, grave, guarded, judicious, leisurely, level-headed, mature, measured, moderate, prudent, reflective, slow, sober-minded, staid, studious, uncompanionable, unhurried
• to advise with one's pillow, to consult with one's pillow
• cogitation, consideration, deliberation, think
• coolly, judiciously, leisurely, prudentially, prudently, reflectively, sagely
• it is worth considering
• advisedness, balance, deliberation, discretion, gravity, judiciousness, premeditation, staidness
• misguided, unthoughtful
• impulsively
• to weigh one's words
• considered opinion
• impulsive
• to mind one's p's and q's
• to mind one's p's and q's
• to mind one's p's and q's
• to mind one's p's and q's
• to be impulsive in one's actions
• aforethought, deliberate, premeditated