
The cog has got jammed. = A fogaskerék megakadt.

megakad jelentése kifejezésekben

• to bust
• stuck
• to arrest, to avert, to balk, to bar, to baulk, to debar, to encumber, to forbid, forbade, forbidden, to hinder, to impede, to inhibit, to interfere, to keep from, to preclude, to prohibit, to put off, to set back, to snub, to thwart, to vacate, to withhold, withheld
• preventive
• arrest, hindrance, prevention
• avertable, avertible
• to frustrate sy
• to close the door upon any discussion
• to close the door upon any discussion
• to peg the market
• to balk sy's plans
• to obstruct process
• interference, interfering
• the bullet bedded itself in the wall
• his age debars him from competing