megér vmit

megér a kifejezésekben

• to apprehend, to catch up, to catch, caught, to comprehend, to conceit, to conceive of, to dig, dug, to get the message, to get the picture, to get, got, to grasp, to make out, to perceive, to realize, to savvy, to see, saw, seen, to seize, to take in, to take, took, taken, to tumble to, to understand, understood
• to anticipate, to feel, felt, to presage
• is it worth it?, is it worth while?
• to attain full growth, to come in, to come to a head, to gather to a head, to mature, to mellow, to season, to seed
• appreciative, broad-minded, broadminded, liberal, sympathetic
• maturation
• to mature, to mellow, to ripen