
• száz évet is megér: he will live to be a hundred
It's worth. = Megéri.

megér jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be worth sg, to live
• to apprehend, to catch up, to catch, caught, to comprehend, to conceit, to conceive of, to dig, dug, to get the message, to get the picture, to get, got, to grasp, to make out, to perceive, to realize, to savvy, to see, saw, seen, to seize, to take in, to take, took, taken, to tumble to, to understand, understood
• to anticipate, to feel, felt, to presage
• is it worth it?, is it worth while?
• to attain full growth, to come in, to come to a head, to gather to a head, to mature, to mellow, to season, to seed
• appreciative, broad-minded, broadminded, liberal, sympathetic
• maturation
• to mature, to mellow, to ripen
• appreciation, comprehension, understanding
• anticipation, vibes
• liberally, sympathetically
• to deserve, to merit
• advent, arrival
• apprehensible
• to be in
• to dope sg out, to make sense of sg, to pick up on sg
• to sense
• we are there
• got it?, got me?
• to find out
• to be worth the money