
• épület, stb.: high, tall
• ember: tall
• magas hang: high-pitched, shrill-voiced
This skyscraper is particularly high. = Ez a felhőkarcoló különösen magas.

magas jelentese magyarul

magas angolul

magas jelentése kifejezésekben

• high voice
• drain-pipe
• lob
• winged
• high-pitched
• commode
• taunt-masted
• high baritone, high barytone
• perch
• high relief
• dignitary, eminence
• strapping
• white wave
• tunnel loop neck
• to rise to eminence
• water boot
• higher-up, person of high rank, person of rank, person of standing
• high standard of living
• to be on the top of the ladder
• big pot, higher-up
• chiffonier