
So we climbed back. = Szóval visszamásztunk.

mászik jelentese magyarul

mászik angolul

mászik jelentése kifejezésekben

• to hit the ceiling, to hit the roof
• to inch, to inch along
• to crawl
• to crawl in
• to get off
• to clamber up, to get on, to get up, to mount, to scale, to shin up, to step up
• to climb, to scale
• to hawk
• to crawl, to wiggle, to wriggle
• to crack down on sy, to dump all over sy, to dump on sy
• to remount
• to swarm up sg
• to sneak out of sg
• to climb up a tree
• to nip up
• to get off a chair
• to sling oneself up
• to pull out
• to get oneself into a fix
• to crawl before sy, to crawl to sy, to sneak to sy